How We Think
We Support Performance Improvement Facilitators
We specialize in training and certifying individuals who guide collaborative improvement working across groups and/or organizations. TIFPI is adept at navigating the intersection of P-21 with workforce development across all sectors. We recognize that this type of facilitation requires complex interpersonal skills as well as an effective toolkit. The work performed by these professionals requires the types of skills employers define as both high value and hard to find. These include collaboration, complex communication, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and the ability to work effectively with diverse audiences. Our training and certification provide evidence to employers of improvement facilitator’s proficiency in these important skills. Our participants develop portfolios demonstrating the connection between their facilitation efforts and targeted performance improvement. Participants may choose from two training and certification tracts – school improvement (K-12) or performance improvement (in all sectors).
School Improvement
School improvement facilitation is a core competency of education leaders, academic coaches, and state-assigned school improvement specialists.
Educators who are tasked with turning around struggling schools or who are transforming good schools to meet 21st Century challenges need support and professional learning that will help them successfully facilitate the improvement process.
We are committed to the success of educators and their students. We use performance-based approaches to professional learning and facilitation that reduce time to competency in the skills needed to accelerate school turnaround and transformation.
Regardless of the improvement model a school is implementing, our proven processes and evidence-based development programs help schools identify and address the factors that impact progress and sustainability. Our trademarked approach helps those who guide turnaround to effectively facilitate systemic, sustainable school improvement.

The CSIS™ standards are the basis for the evidence-based Institute LAUNCH!™ Learning and Performance Experience for education leaders and other school improvement facilitators.
The CSIS™ standards are:
• Analyze and Apply Critical Judgement
• Facilitate Deriving Meaning and Engagement
• Focus on Systemic Factors
• Plan and Record
• Organize and Manage Effort and Resources
• Guide and Focus on Collaborative Improvement
• Build Capacity
• Demonstrate Organizational Sensitivity
• Monitor Accountability and Adoption
• Implement for Sustainability
To engage your organization in learning and applying our proven practices through our LAUNCH!™ Learning and Performance Experience contact Deb Page at
Performance-Focused School Improvement Training
The rigorous LAUNCH!™ Learning and Performance Experience is a fully virtual synchronous program, supported by the asynchronous Promote® Platform. Participants post assignments in the Promote® Platform, receive virtual coaching via Promote® and email, and engage in robust social-learning with peers in the program. Participants’ highly rate the training, coaching and peer-to-peer interaction.
We are committed to using performance-based development approaches and developing and sharing tools and processes that are easily and practically applied on the job in schools.
A common response of our clients is, “I wish I had this experience and support years ago.” Our professional learning experiences use performance-based, micro-teaching that ensures participants can transfer their learning to practice immediately. The LAUNCH!™ Learning and Performance Experience is a hands-on, performance-based approach to facilitating school improvement.
Our digital tools for facilitating systemic, sustainable performance improvement in schools are embedded in The School Improvement Specialist Field Guide from Corwin Press so that they are easily adapted to local contexts.
To learn more about the CSIS™ Standards and about applying proven Human Performance Improvement practices in education, contact Institute President, Deb Page at

Evidence-Based School Improvement Certification
Evidence-based certifications provide a benefit that other credentials do not, verifiable demonstration of proficiency in practice. Proficiency credentials are gaining popularity across all sectors. These online, digital badges are instantly verifiable in a way that CVs and most credentials are not.
We confer and develop valid, reliable, and legally-defensible credentials, with a focus on evidence-based certification. Evidence-based approaches rely on the documentation of performance on-the-job with supporting data and attestations from stakeholders.
For information on development of valid, reliable and legally-defensible certifications, digital badges, and program accreditation contact Certification National Director Dr. Jean Quigg at
The national Certified School Improvement Specialist™ Learning and Performance Journey and credential is based on school improvement facilitators’ documentation of their performance of the ten national CSIS™ standards over the past three to five years with triangulated performance data. CSIS™ Certification applications are processed through a double-blind review process. Applicants complete an online Orientation to the CSIS™ Standards and Application Process. No other seat-time is required. Certification is recognized by the award of a digital badge, a verifiable micro-credential.
For more info about CSIS™ Learning and Performance Journey and certification, contact CSIS National Director, Dr. Jean Quigg at

Certified Performance Improvement Facilitator
We use performance-based training approaches to develop and certify Performance Improvement Facilitators across all sectors. Our participants learn to facilitate Human Performance Improvement, applying the Certified Performance Improvement Facilitator standards. Working collaboratively with the International Society for Performance Improvement, we train and support facilitators who can guide collaborative improvement across groups, teams and/or organizations.
Those who successfully complete our rigorous Performance Improvement Facilitator Learning and Performance Journey earn a credential, a globally-verifiable Certified Performance Improvement Facilitator digital badge. The course series includes an embedded practicum, in which participants demonstrate their proficiency facilitating a complex, systemic improvement efforts.
Participants are recommended to engage their employers’ support for facilitating a complex, collaborative improvement effort with clear performance goals and targets. Self-employed participants are recommended to select client projects they are supporting, or other initiatives that will allow them to guide efforts across teams, groups and/or organizations. All participants will engage in class in studying cases and applying their learning and skills to those complex challenges.
The Performance Improvement Facilitator Performance and Learning Journey is a fully virtual synchronous program, supported by the asynchronous Promote® Platform. Participants post assignments in the Promote® Platform, receive virtual coaching via Promote® and email, and engage in robust social-learning with peers in the program. Participants’ highly rate the training, coaching and peer-to-peer interaction.
To learn more about CPIF™ Learning and Performance Journey and certification, contact President, Deb Page at