Performance Improvement Facilitator Development and Certification
Boost Your Career Trajectory with The Certified Performance Improvement Facilitator Training and Certification
Develop your competency and demonstrate your proficiency in using systematic processes to guide systemic, collaborative improvement across groups and organizations. The Performance Improvement Facilitator Learning & Performance Journey provides a performance-based learning experience while connecting learners with peers across sectors for mutual benefit.

Learning with Peers
Synchronous learning in class is aligned with asynchronous peer-to-peer learning and coaching via the Promote digital platform. Participants report the rich peer interaction to be a highly valuable aspect of the experience, as well as the opportunity to immediately apply their learning to meeting their goals. The most common participant response: “I wish I had this training earlier in my career. It really has improved my practices!”
Apply Your Learning to Guiding an Improvement Project and Earn Certification CPIF

Course Schedule January-June 2024
- Ten 3.5-hour virtual sessions focused on applying the learning and tools to your real-time complex challenge.
- Assignments via the digital platform applying your learning directly to your challenge with clear criteria and coaching.
- Peer-to-peer coaching and learning to address your “Big Rock”, your complex
- Earn the Certified Performance Improvement Facilitator designation by successfully applying learning and tools to your “Big Rock” project.
- A once-in-a-career capstone experience that results in a practice that adds value to your career and your organization, builds your network of experts, and helps to build Sector Partnerships and other collaborative coalitions.

The Performance Improvement Specialist Field Guide
Dr. Judith Hale, CPT and Deb Page, CPT researched the practices of effective performance improvement facilitators and codified and validated the ten standards of effective Performance Improvement Facilitator practice. These practices and dozens of proven tools are embedded in the Performance Improvement Specialist Field Guide, provided to all participants as an e-book as the key text for the series.

Collaborate With Peers

Apply Proven Processes

Build Your Brand
Demonstrate Mastery in High-Demand Skills

The virtual Performance Improvement Facilitator Learning & Performance Journey begins January 25 and runs through June 2025.
The Learning & Performance Journey is grounded in the international discipline of Human Performance Improvement and the Certified School Improvement Specialist standards.
Employers may choose to sponsor tuition for their associates or sponsor a private course series. Contact Deb Page at to apply or to sponsor employees or a course. Use the contact form to request more information. We collaborate with corporate universities and other entities for employee development.
Have Questions?
Please contact us below.